Beginners BJJ Classes in Portsmouth!

Get Your Free Enjoyable Beginners BJJ Trial Class in Portsmouth Now!

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Get Your Completely Free Trial Session Of Beginners Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu In Portsmouth & Experience Our Enjoyable Beginners BJJ Classes Now!

Beginners Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes Portsmouth

Dedicated Beginner Friendly Classes For You!

Our dedicated Beginner BJJ classes offer a very safe & friendly introduction to the art and suitable for people of all ages 13+, no matter how new to martial arts, how fit or overweight or nervous you are!

You will be eased into training gently and gradually to match the level you feel comfortable participating at, with often 4 instructors on hand at every beginner session to make sure you are given maximum support and guidance every step of the way.

Our Beginner sessions feature drilling of the most basic and important fundamental concepts & self defence that is so crucial to effective BJJ, we work on a focused curriculum of the most essential techniques that repeats itself every few months to ensure good retention.

The pace of the class is very relaxed with no expectations other than to enjoy yourself and there will be little to no sparring which when it is included will take the form of short specific drills with resistance.

Beginners Class